Christmas Recipes
Recipes with similar ingredients:
bullet Carrot Coleslaw
bullet Cabbage Slaw
bullet Cole Slaw
bullet Crispy Coleslaw
bullet Cole Slaw

Cole Slaw


1 head young cabbage
1/2 c. cream
1 tsp. salt
1/2 c. sugar
1/2 c. vinegar


Beat cream, sugar, vinegar and salt together thoroughly until the dressing is like whipped cream. Discard outer leaves of cabbage. Shred the rest finely and combine with dressing just before it is ready to serve. For variety add shredded red or green pepper.

Makes 6 Servings

Added On: 2006-05-09
Submitted By: Staff
Filed under the following categories:
¬ Salad ¬ Side Dish ¬ German ¬ Cabbage

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