Christmas Recipes

Fried Sausage ( kielbasa)


1 Polish sausage ring
1-2 Tbs. butter or bacon fat
1 onion, minced


Perforate the sausage casing with a pin to prevent its bursting in cooking. Half-cover with water, bring to a boil, and simmer, covered, for 20 minutes. Drain, allow to cool slightly, and fry slowly in butter or bacon fat until lightly brown on both sides. Add onion and continue frying until onion browns lightly. Slice the meat and serve with cooked cabbage or potatoes, using butter and onion as garnish.

Makes 4 Servings

Added On: 2006-05-18
Submitted By: Staff
Filed under the following categories:
¬ Sausage ¬ Dinner ¬ Polish

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