Christmas Recipes
Recipes with similar ingredients:
bullet Weiner Stew
bullet Oyster Stew
bullet Brunswick Stew
bullet Oyster Stew
bullet Winter Stew

Brunswick Stew


1 stewing chicken
4 c. lima beans
2 c. corn
4 c. peeled, quartered tomatoes
2 c. diced potatoes
Salt and pepper to taste


Cover chicken with water and simmer until chicken falls apart. Remove chicken, debone, cut in small pieces and return to stock. Add lima beans and cook over moderate heat for 1 hour. Add other ingredients and simmer until well done and thickened, at least 2 hours. Makes 4 quarts.

Added On: 2005-10-03
Submitted By: Staff
Filed under the following categories:
¬ Chicken ¬ Tomato ¬ Potato ¬ Corn ¬ Dinner

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