Christmas Recipes

Sweet Pickle Chips


30 cucumbers (3-4" long)
1 qt. white venegar
8 c. sugar
2 Tbs. mixed pickling spice (tied in a bag)
2 Tbs. salt


Wash cucumbers and drain. Put in a pan and pour in enough boiling water to cover. Let stand 24 hours, then rinse the cucumbers. Give 3 more hot water baths. On the fifth day cut the cucumbers into 1/4" slices. Mix and bring the vinegar solution to boiling and pour over the pickle slices. Drain and reheat the same vinegar and pour over the pickle slices. Repeat until the pickles have had 4 hot vinegar baths. On the ninth day put the pickle slices in jars. Bring the vinegar to boiling and fill the jars with hot vinegar and seal the jars.

Added On: 2007-07-28
Submitted By: Staff
Filed under the following categories:
¬ Side Dish

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